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Update since Quads and Ten Passes

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Quad Vs 10 Pass (Ozone)

   First, I want to establish that whatever I say won't necessarily work for you, like it has or has not worked worked for me. I spent a month in Winston-Salem doing ozone treatments. I started off with the quad treatments. Basically, it is a more simple way of taking smaller amounts of blood out, oxygenating it, and then putting it back into your body. Many of the women who were with me on the days I got treated, said they herxed a lot! For me, I experienced nothing, but some slight tiredness in the beginning of my first few ozone treatments. My Dr realized that my body got too used to these smaller passes and so I worked my way up to the 10 pass.    My first 10 pass felt amazing. It did take 2hrs, but it really made me feel good! I do recommend going to the bathroom beforehand, otherwise you may end up like me; walking to the bathroom with my iv pole, leaving the restroom only to realize my iv was pulled out and I was bleeding out! The 8,000icus of heparin intensi...

Rambles Before my 7th Treatment

    Lymies sometimes ask me how I get through it; even those who don't have Lyme, ask. I don't really have an answer. The only option I have is to go through it the best I can. I try to stay so busy that I don't have time to be sad because if I sit around, I have all the time in the world to pity myself. I would rather stay positive and be doing things that are productive.... like writing about this endless journey ;-)     Next week is my first 10 pass. I'm a little nervous, & oddly excited. My excitement stems from a gut feeling that my single ozone treatments aren't working. However, I have no valid results to know if they are yet. My 6th treatment did make me herx tremendlously. This was probably the biggest herx reaction I've ever had in my life as a Lymie . I developed major head pressure immediately afterwards. Once I got back to my hotel (where I reside while I'm getting treated), I became so lethargic that all I wanted to do was sleep....and...

Update & My Treatment Plans

I am now 8 months into treatments. I have yet to determine if ozone is working, but that will come in time when I get re-evaluated. I am on my 4th ozone treatment and the only thing I've visibly recognized, is that I have more energy. My current protocol is as follows: Absolutely No ANTIBIOTICS. Detox : Sauna, Microcurrent, Ionic foot baths . Ozone : twice a week Supplement : coq10 (for my mthfr gene), methyl assist, cbd oil, abab (for babesia), grapefruit seed extract, fish oil, zeolite, probiotic, cyto cell, clay, activated charcoal, Integra cell (powder form), and colostrum ( powder form). Medication : armour thyroid, testosterone compounded cream For Lyme Specific:  It was,  Green Dragon Botanicals LB protocol, but now I take Vital (pic below). Since my diagnosis, I've been all over the place; from so many highs and lows. I'm finding that I regret not living my life the way I wanted when I was healthy. I was a free spirit, always traveling, with a desire to...

Ozone Therapy and Valentine's Day!

Hello Spoonies!     I started my first Ozone treatment last weds.  For all of you wondering what to expect, don't expect much on the first visit.  The nurse will go over the procedures before she sticks you with a small butterfly needle. The first treament lasts about 10mins because it's more of a trial to see how you do. Headaches are normal to feel afterwards, but I didn't feel any different. However, when I did come back on Friday for a single treatment,with a real IV, I felt a slight headache, soreness, and tiredness (despite the fact that Ozone is supposed to engerize you).  The second treatmeant took about 20 mins, but it really depends on how slow or fast your blood flows.   As much as I never wanted to experience a disease that has taken me this far, I must say I love our network of Lymies. Going to treatments are rather fun, because it gives me a chance to connect with so many people experiencing what I do everyday. It's humbling to be able to h...

Detox Modalities

Listed are a few detox treatments that I've done and support as additional tools in remission: 1. SAUNA -removes toxins by sweating. Make sure to keep hydrated and to shower immediately after, otherwise bacteria will be reabsorbed. 2. Microcurrent - leaky gut setting. Reduces pain , inflammation, stress. It is specifically designed to positively support cellular energy, resulting in better cellular health and function. 3. Ionic foot bath - used to balance the bodied PH. It is especially good for those suffering from gastrointestinal disorders, skin conditions, fungal or yeast infections, and cancer.  The benefit of this form of detox is that it is, “gentle and safe, and not compromising because it bypasses the gastro-intestinal system.”

What's Next? My Second Chapter.

As I had mentioned, my treatments haven't been working. The Dr said it's because the mold is still present in high levels. Without killing off the mold, it's almost impossible to continue with treating all of my other diseases. With that being said, I decided to reach out to other Drs. I am a member of so many Facebook Lyme groups, that it's almost like I'm not alone anymore. For all of you new Lymies out there, I highly recommend joining for support, education, and just basic help. I've learned so much from seeing other people experience what I had just started experiencing. For instance, I started to develop some horrendously, burning rashes, around my eyes. This lasted for 3 solid months and no Dr could figure out what it was from. The group helped me narrow down what was happening and that's when one of my Lyme groups told me about Robinhood Integrative medicine in Winston Salem, NC. I had lost all hope since that day my results came back unchanged. An...