First, I want to establish that whatever I say won't necessarily work for you, like it has or has not worked worked for me. I spent a month in Winston-Salem doing ozone treatments. I started off with the quad treatments. Basically, it is a more simple way of taking smaller amounts of blood out, oxygenating it, and then putting it back into your body. Many of the women who were with me on the days I got treated, said they herxed a lot! For me, I experienced nothing, but some slight tiredness in the beginning of my first few ozone treatments. My Dr realized that my body got too used to these smaller passes and so I worked my way up to the 10 pass.
My first 10 pass felt amazing. It did take 2hrs, but it really made me feel good! I do recommend going to the bathroom beforehand, otherwise you may end up like me; walking to the bathroom with my iv pole, leaving the restroom only to realize my iv was pulled out and I was bleeding out! The 8,000icus of heparin intensified the amount of blood that came gushing out hahaha! Therefore, go to the bathroom first so that you're able to finish you're entire Myers cocktail, instead of watching your money pour out on the floor.
In retrospect, I would recommend the 10pass over the quads any day. Don't waste your time on the smaller ones :)
Chronic Lyme Disease IS something to be "ticked" off about! Follow my journey into remission.
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